Workshops For Advancing
Hone your Yoga skills with these premium class sets!
Try my online Yoga For Dudes series!
Zero experience required.
Clear injuries and get out of pain.
Get lean, strong, and flexible — not bulky.
Get insider tips and tricks — specifically for guys.
Learn good alignment your FIRST time trying yoga.
Slow it down and make sure you’re safe.
Great for those who are extremely tight.
You don’t need any props.
Have fun!
If you’ve thought about trying yoga, but we’re hesitant about hurting yourself, or thought you were too tight — my online Intro to Yoga series is for you!
Zero experience required.
Great for those who are injured or in pain!
Learn good alignment your FIRST time trying yoga.
Slow it down and make sure you’re safe.
Great for those who are extremely tight.
You don’t need any props.
Have fun!
Online Workshops
Browse and purchase individual workshops below!
Handstand Workshop

Advancing Handstand Workshop
On a quest to balance in handstand?! Then you won’t want to miss this! Learn the right steps, tools, exercises and drills to practice handstand safely — All from the convenience of your home!
While you do not need any experience with handstand to join, there will be many variations where you will kick-up against the wall.
You can take this workshop and use some of these exercises for further down your handstand journey. But it will be helpful if you can kick-up to the wall without a teacher's assistance.
Props needed: a wall
We will hit every inversion in this workshop -- so buckle up! Yes. Every. Single. One.
Forearm Stand
Shoulder Stand
This is a great workshop to help with getting more confident and skillful at going upside-down. It's a skill-set that you need to practice and learn the mechanics to start balancing in your inversions.
Inversion Workshop

Advancing Inversions Workshop
Arm Balance

Advancing Arm Balances Workshop
Learn the tools and tricks to access all of the fun arm balances!
Get clear on the steps towards practicing these poses safely, and learn not to take yourself too seriously doing them. All from the convenience of your home! It will be helpful if you are already able to balance in bakasana, crow pose for 5 breaths.
Props needed: A blanket and a wall.